• 50th & McIntyre


    Project Overview

    Conceptual Site Plan

    broken image

    Project Description

    The current proposal is for 33 Single Family Residences ( one existing house and the existing barn) on 7.7 acres. The proposed density is 4.1 du/acre compared to the 1 du/acre recommended in the North Plains Master Plan.  Because of 2 larger lots in the development most of the lots will be .11 Acre to .14 Acre. 

  • Community Meeting

    Tuesday, March 30, 2021

  • Our View

    We, and everyone we have communicated with in the extended community, are opposed to this plan for a variety of reasons including , but not limited to, those listed here:

    1. The proposed density and type of housing are wholly incompatible with  and dramatically different from the land use recommendations on page 4 of the North Plains Master Plan. (see Jeffco Documents section)

    2. Allowing this type of egregious departure from the existing land use plans would betray the faith that existing homeowners placed in the Jeffco master planning process when we bought/built homes in this area.

    3. This type of density increases traffic to an already crowded transportation system, stresses utilities, police and fire departments, as well as the Fairmount Elementary School.

    4. Approving this proposal would set a precedent that would undoubtedly lead to additional projects of a similar style further eroding the current ethos of Fairmount which is described as a "semi-rural character with lower density residential development interspersed with agricultural uses" on page 4 of the North Plains Master Plan.

    5. Higher density is not appropriate for this community.  It should be targeted for areas with transportation and services.  Driving is a necessity.  With higher density and increased traffic there will detrimental effects to the air quality and safety of the residents, domestic animals and wildlife.

    6. We have an important visual resource in the area – North Table Mountain. Lower density is important to preserve this.
  • Take Action

    You can make a difference

    Knowing all of the information about this project and why it's a bad idea is great. But it will all be for naught if not enough of us take action to get the rezoning application for this project denied. Ultimately, the decision to approve or deny projects like this is a political one made by officials that we elected and who are accountable to us. They will listen if enough of us speak up. Here's what we are asking you to do:

    1. Write an e-mail to Nick Nelson (contact info below), a Senior Planner assigned to this case and/or Brittany Gada, the case manager. Nick & Brittany  are not advocates for either side. However, they do play a role in evaluating whether the proposed project meets the county's rezoning criteria see next section. In this instance, we are arguing that it clearly does not and we would like you to e-mail Nick and Brittany and let them know all of the ways you believe it fails to meet the rezoning criteria. This e-mail should be as objective and factual as possible and you can use the content from the "Our View" section above as good source material.
    2. Write an e-mail to the County Commissioners asking them to reject this rezoning application, explaining the reasons for your request. Once again, feel free to use the content on this page to help.


  • Jeffco Reference Materials

    Section 6 of the Jefferson County Zoning Resolution 

    In reviewing proposed Rezoning and Special Use Applications, the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners may consider the following criteria: (orig. 7-1-03; am. 5-21-19)

    1. The compatibility with existing and allowable land uses in the surrounding area. (orig. 7-1-03; am. 5-21- 19)

    2. The degree of conformance with applicable land use plans. (orig. 7-1-03; am. 5-21-19)

    3. The ability to mitigate negative impacts upon the surrounding area. (orig. 5-21-19)

    4. The availability of infrastructure and services. (orig. 5-21-19)

    5. The effect upon the health, safety, and welfare of the residents and landowners in the surrounding area. (orig. 7-1-03)

  • Contact us

    Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have

    Mike Rawluk



    Janice & Marvin Fleming
